La Tierrita Linda

Officially working for free!! It’s been a while since my last post, but the last few months have flown by!! I am now done with training and have officially been sworn-in as a Peace Corps volunteer and have moved to my new site where I will be living for the next 2 years! PC Country Director, Rachel, Melissa, and I "La Tierrita Linda" My new site is a city called Ambato, about 3 hours south of Quito in the province of Tungurahua. A little bit about the city Ambato is known as "la ciudad de las frutas y flores" and (to Ambateños) "la tierrita linda" Elevation: 8,500 ft Population: 350,000 In 1949, Ambato was devastated by an earthquake which destroyed the city's colonial center. To celebrate the newly rebuilt city, Ambato held the first festival of fruit and flowers. Since then it has become a tradition, and the city hosts a big celebration in February during Carnaval each year. My sitemates and ...