
Showing posts from January, 2018

Peace(ing) Together My First Two Weeks in Ecuador

Hello!!  I have now been in Ecuador for almost two weeks and completed my first full week as a PCT (Peace Corps Trainee.) Surreal is the first word that comes to mind when I reflect on my experience thus far. I have dreamed of serving in the Peace Corps since before I went to college, and finally being here is an incredible feeling. For those of you who don't know what I'm doing here (which is probably everyone because I also didn't have much information before leaving the States), I will be working as a TEFL volunteer. After three months of training in Quito, I will be placed in a school and community in another part of the country for two years. In my school I will be working and collaborating with Ecuadorian English teachers in hopes of improving the quality of English education in a sustainable manner. During the seventh week of training I will find out where I'll be placed for the next two years and will have the opportunity to visit my new site!! The view o...